Renal Artery Stenosis


Ask your doctor

The following questions can help you talk to your doctor about your individual risk for renal artery stenosis (RAS). Print out or write down these questions and take them with you to your appointment. Taking notes can help you remember your physician’s response when you get home.

Doctor talking to patients are explaining the treatment of a patient's illness

Bring a list of questions to ask your doctor about treating and managing renal artery stenosis. 

Risk factors for RAS

  1. Based on my family history, am I at a greater risk for RAS?
  2. Based on my personal history, am I at a greater risk for RAS?
  3. Does diabetes increase my risk of having RAS?
  4. Do my cholesterol levels put me at risk for RAS?
  5. Is my weight within a healthy range to prevent RAS?
  6. Can you help me quit smoking (if you smoke)?
  7. Is my blood pressure within the normal range? Can you help me control my high blood pressure?
  8. What dietary choices should I be making for cardiovascular health?
  9. What level of exercise is safe for me and that will also have cardiovascular benefits?

If you’ve been diagnosed with RAS

If you’ve been diagnosed with RAS, it’s normal to be worried and to want as much information about the disease and treatment as possible. The following questions can lay the groundwork for a discussion between you and your physician.

  1. What additional tests may I need?
  2. What are my treatment options? What combination of lifestyle, medication, and treatments may be necessary to combat the disease?
  3. What is my prognosis? What are the likely outcomes?
  4. How will RAS affect my quality of life? What can I do to improve my quality of life?
  5. Will I need dialysis?
  6. Will RAS affect my ability to urinate?
  7. Does having RAS mean I’ll suffer from incontinence?
  8. What happens after treatment? If treatment involves recovery, how long will that take?
  9. What follow-up will be necessary?